While aiming for rapprochement and the creation of solid, consolidating experiences for members of the same team, Gumboots is performed by professional artists.
The Gumboots is experienced in the form of a show, workshop, animation, energy and discovery breaks or even fitness classes.
These formulas are built with you,
according to your needs.
OUR turnkey PAKs
Face-to-face event
Virtual event available
Original activity during your Team Building, the Gumboots animation brings energy, a practical way to experience team cohesion and an illustrative exercise to live the values of your company as a group. Gumboots animation adapts to all your corporate events and enhances them in an original and/or participatory way. Some examples of events: Award Ceremony; fundraising; Retirement ; Corporate social responsibility event (citizen day, world day celebration, etc.) Gala; Spectacle; Product launch; and any other event to be planned.
For all companies, in all sectors of activity, seeking the well-being, fulfillment and performance of its employees and partners. Examples: Companies, organizations, foundations, ministries, cities, municipalities etc. The Discovery & Tasting Pak is a round trip crossing between South Africa and Canada. It is finely crafted to introduce you to the heart of the Rainbow Nation. Through a unifying animation, enchanting rhythms, a gustatory discovery of explosion of flavors meshed with a tasting of aperitif and quality wines from South Africa. It offers a relaxing break, tourist and historical discovery while promoting a privileged moment for your teams and partners. Useful information: Where: Quebec, Ontario, other provinces and internationally How: Interior (meeting and conference rooms) Mode: Face-to-face or Virtual When: All year round Number of participants: Small group: (10-25 participants) Medium Group: (25-50 participants) Large Group: more than 50 participants Duration of the workshop: 120 min and 180 min (possibility of a shorter custom format) Equipment required: Work clothes, Boots (provided) Shower: No
Cardio Gumboots are courses offered to your employees aimed at well-being and balance. The implementation of the Cardio gumboots program is a combination of more or less high intensity cardio exercises, punctuated by a simple and original choreography. Advantages : Work all parts of the body Be fit and healthy Reduce stress Manage your emotions Do a group activity Strengthen the team Useful information: Where: Quebec, Ontario, other provinces and internationally How: Interior Mode: Face-to-face or Virtual Prerequisite: No need to have practiced a physical activity When: All year round Number of participants: Small group: (10-25 participants) Duration of the workshop: 60 min Materials required: Room at workplace or other location.